We Will Support You Every Step of the Way. |
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About Tri Level Claims Consultants
Our team at Tri Level Claims are qualified Paralegals. We hold over 75 years of combined experience and extensive knowledge representing individuals before various Administrative Boards. We offer sound advice and assistance with your reconsideration request or appeal
to the Workplace Safety & Insurance Board (WSIB) , Workplace Safety & Insurance Appeals Tribunal (WSIAT), Canada Pension Plan (CPP) and Social Security Tribunal (SST). We are with you very step of the way. Our Toronto based Paralegals can also guide you in obtaining and presenting the required medical evidence to assist with your appeal.
We take the time to explain your rights and advocate on your behalf.
Our Paralegals are registered Paralegals in good standings with the Law Society of Upper Canada and Members of the Ontario Paralegal Association. |
In good standing with The Law Society of Upper Canada |
Pina Celli - CEO
Pina Celli is the Founder and CEO of Tri Level Claims Consultants. She is a licensed Paralegal with the Law Society of Upper Canada and a member of the Paralegal Society of Ontario. She established her practice in 1998 and has successfully advocated on behalf of her clients to obtain their rightful benefits from various Administrative Boards. Her expertise is in the field of Workplace Safely and Insurance Board (WSIB) and Canada Disability (CPP) appeals having held a 20 year career with the (WSIB) as a former Senior Claims Adjudicator. Her extensive knowledge and experience has effectively assisted her clients with quality representation before various levels of the appeal process. She has a proven track record with reported WSIAT decisions.
Pina was nominated for the Philip Biggin Memorial Award (2015) in recognition of her dedication and commitment to assisting injured workers. This award was launched in 2012 by the Injured Worker Outreach Services (IWOS) in partnership with the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) and the Provincial Building & Construction Trades Council of Ontario.
Luigi Franchi
Luigi Franchi has over 33 years direct knowledge and working experience with WSIB matters. He held various postion within the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board with the latter 15 years as an Appeals Resoultion Officer. His extensive knowledge and expertise is an asset to advocating on your behalf.
Deann Aubie
Deanne Aubie is a Licensed Paralegal with the Law Society of Upper Canada. She hold diplomas in Child/Youth Mental Health, Paralegal, and Psychology.
Deann's knowledge and expertise is in Landlord & Tenant Board, Small Claims Court, Canada Pension Plan Disability, Criminal Injuries Compensation Board, and Human Rights Tribunal. She has successfully advocated on behalf of her clients with positive results.
Tri Level Paralegal Services are offered in
Toronto, Mississauga, Durham Region, Hamilton, Brampton, North York, Vaughan, Kitchener, Barrie and surrounding areas
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